Oscar Bakker: frontend/backend developer

Located in Amsterdam

What I do

Freelance developer

Mostly on site but sometimes from home or the hackersandfounders building. I can work in a team, with other frontend developers or with backend developers. Although I'm interested a lot in new web technologies, I appreciate the stable ones just as much.


I founded a company, Checkmythesis, for proofreading academical papers. Learned a lot from it as well. Trade-offs between choosing the 'hottest' technologies and getting the job done. Using php for an e-commerce system instead of building your own solution in NodeJS. For a new project I am involved in, I'm using Django. A dsl turns your models in an admin within minutes!



As a frontend developer I am embracing new technologies in the Javascript ecosystem. React is currently my weapon of choice. Other libraries I work with: React(Native), Svelte, Sapper, jQuery, AngularJs, AngularX, MobX, GreenSock, D3, Velocity.js, Redux, Jest, Mocha, Cypress, Selenium and others.


Learned programming with php but later came ruby, javascript and python. While I am using javascript professionally in most cases, languages like python and C# came on my path. For one project I enjoy the use of Django, where a lot of logic and organization comes for free. On top of that I am convinced that knowing a couple of languages helps to understand your main language better. Some new features in es99 may have been common for years in another language, like generators in python. Knowing how to use them in some other language helps a lot.


Connect with me

It's easy, send an e-mail

[email protected] linkedin

I make things with love a keyboard in Amsterdam.